Score Review Process
If your team receives a point deduction you will have the opportunity to review your routine by official BCA video as well as other resources if available.
If up on review of your routine you would like to seek furter clarification on a range, deduction or safety infraction, you will need to complete the “Clarification Form, available at Coach corner.
This form will need to be received no later than 15 minutes from the time you received your Scoring Report Email.
The scoring director we will then review the routine entirely and if additional deductions are discovered they will be applied to the current scores.
If the original range/deduction/safety violations was deemed “unnecessary” or incorrect you will be advised by a second email with the adjustments.
If your clarification was deemed to not have any changes, the original form will be handed back at Coach Corner.
It is our goal to maintain a system in place that is fair to all as well informative when necessary. Providing coaches with the proper information and tools to assist in the “clarification” process.